
Opening of Japan

Have you ever heard "Matthew C.Perry"? He is the historic person for the modern Japan.
When he came to JAPAN in 1852, Japan shut out other countries. Mr.Perry contacted to JAPAN
and worked to open.So, he is the symbol the opening of Japan.

The last week, I visited to the park of Perry, at Yokosuka city.Here is the monument for Mr.Perry.
Yeah, I feel the historic movement! and i ran about 60km...hu-so tough work.


Hey, Taxi!

My friend and me found the VERO TAXI at the imperial palace.
The system is...the 1st 0.5km is ¥300 and every 0.1km is ¥50 for adult.
Sorry, we didn't take that but the driver was so funny guy. We heard his salary....uum, so sorry...;((



Have you ever visited to TOKYO Tower?

This photo was taken last month. It was the 1st ride of 2010 for me to the tower. (Not so far, but so cold!)
I never seen TOKYO Tower from the feet. Wao, it's so fun, isn't it?


my mother's bike

This is my mother's bike.
The Japanese calls "mama chari". Its' very cheap, about $70...we can buy that at home center, big supermarket.(like k-mart, wallmart...)
Anyway, you can see the basket cover.It is for protecting for snatch! The city council gives away the cover...;(